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“Well Done is Better Than Well Said.” — Benjamin Franklin

We live by the above piece of wisdom from Benjamin Franklin.

  • Clients often call us “education-based marketers” because we don’t speak “guru” or “geek”. We speak their language, the language of results.
  • We are doers, strategists and coaches who focus on results.
  • We also stay up-to-date on all new technologies so we can help you understand which ones are shiny objects and which ones will produce the return you need. 

Are you ready to succeed? Drop us an email or give us a call. (608) 561-7097

  • Don Stanley
    Don StanleyCEO / Founder

    Don Stanley is an internationally recognized college educator, speaker, and marketing and sales consultant.

    As the co-founder of Wisconsin-based 3RhinoMedia, he has personal spoke to, lead workshops for and coached a wide array of clients ranging from Fortune 500 companies, international organizations, NBA, NHL and NFL athletes, start-ups and non-profits. One fun fact is Don has consulted with organizations on all 7 continents and he was a professional dog trainer (he loves dogs).

    Don is often asked to share his perspectives on digital media and he has been featured on some of the top business blogs in the world including the Content Marketing Institute and Mark Schaefer’s BusinessesGrow.com. He also has been featured on Marketplace Radio, This American Life, ABC News, CBS News, NBC News and he is a regular guest on Wisconsin Public Radio.

    In addition to his work at 3RhinoMedia, Don is an award-winning faculty member at the University of Wisconsin-Madison where he teaches courses on social media and digital marketing.

  • Chris Shepherd
    Chris ShepherdCTO / Lead Architect

    Chris brings a wealth of knowledge from a tech perspective. He has over 15 years experience in the industry helping non-profits, small businesses and multi-million dollar clients. His years of experience have given him a strong understanding of how to implement a wide variety of technologies.

    He has helped clients to implement solutions using cloud based computing, colocation, database driven applications, rich user interfaces, etc. His strong knowledge of technologies allows us to help you find the right solution, teach you how to implement it, or even build it for you.


    Lisa designs branding materials for print and web products for our customers at 3Rhino Media. She has over 12 years of industry experience working directly with clients. Her client list includes start-up entrepreneurs, local and nationally recognized non-profit organizations and Fortune 500 companies. She has a passion for helping organizations create professional, eye-catching designs that produce results.

    In addition to her passion for design, she loves helping our clients with day-to-day social media marketing, while focusing primarily on the two biggest impact platforms, Twitter and Facebook.

Why the 3Rhino Name?

Surprisingly, we get asked this question a lot! So we finally decided to post a video response so you can know our “why”.

Still something you want to know?

Sometimes it is easier to simply reach out and talk with us. Do you still have questions, or wish to find out more. We would love to hear from you, simply contact us.
Contact Us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.