This is a replay of the live broadcast with Don Stanley, Dexter Patterson, George B Thomas, George Thomas, and Andrew Foxwell
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This is a replay of the live broadcast with Don Stanley, Dexter Patterson, George B Thomas, George Thomas, and Andrew Foxwell
Nope, didn’t go
I’m not seeing or hearing anything gents.
@3rhinomedia I just follow you around blab…
me 🙂 tweet me @confluentforms and we’ll chat!
@drpatterson2 maybe try a new call in?
@drpatterson2 refresh or use Chrome
no safari!
needs to be Chrome or Firefox
we’re talking about @Mike_Stelzner and SMMW16
Highly recommend checking out @Mike_stelzner and @SMExaminer
TIP 1 for George: Never be afraid to try new things (via @ChrisBrogan)
@confluentforms well deserved praise!
TIP from Andrew: @JayBaer why do we only talk #GrowthHacker and not #RetentionHacker? We need to focus on taking care of our current community
Top o the morning to you @HandyThinks
@3rhinomedia and to you Sir Stanley.
@drpatterson2 AMEN!
TIP #2 from George: Be the great connector
This is a big one.
Treat your current fans like VIPs don’t worry about attracting new ones if your current fans aren’t happy. Retention is key!
@handythinks so true. It’s crazy when I think about how we all connected.
To be a great connector, it’s super important to be genuine and listen first. Look for how you can help someone out
@handythinks totally agree man, it’s awesome.
Brogan’s Shine newsletter is a digital “one to many” version of being a great connector.
@handythinks I LOVE @ChrisBrogan and his Shine newsletter. Super cool concept.
I’m getting crazy delay
@drpatterson2 just from me or everyone?
andrew is gone
@drpatterson2 not for me. Must be your connection
the “networker” shoves his business card in your mouth so he can tell you all about HIM
LIVE Video is HUGE
“Conversational Commerce” is interesting.
Gotta go…will watch the replay!
@webgirltj TY Terry! Have a fantastic weekend
http://www.businessesgrow.com/2016/05/05/snapchat-engagement/ via @markwschaefer
TIP #3 from @GeorgeBThomas – Gary Vee doesn’t have a great example of SnapChat providing ROI in B2B
TIP #4 from @GeorgeBThomas – It only takes a bump in the road to tarnish an image.
ouch. Brutal honesty.
BRANDON!!!!! Got in a tough WOD today. #Burpees baby
perfect way to start a Friday!
@bkappel1 you know it! 0500 WOD with plenty of burpees is a great way to start the day
All I need is my piece of the pie.
Dex, youre just looking solid over there
I’m learning lol
TIP #5 from @georgeBthomas take time for deep conversation with people or what George calls “Intimate moments”
does duck pot pie have tryptophan in it? 😉
Love hearing how our Rising2gether brothers bonded at Social Media Marketing World.
Good morning Erica!
Humans are story tellers