Video can be a very powerful tool for building interest for events or business promotions.
Event videos can help create buzz or conversation about your event. This can result in increased media coverage, increased social media coverage and increased attendance.
Or, if you are attending an event, you can create event videos to help you make connections with conference attendees before events take place.
One way to use event videos is to create “teaser” videos. Teaser videos are short videos that give little highlights of upcoming events. They are typically shared in the days, weeks and months before an event. They are very similar to how Hollywood uses movie trailers to build interest in upcoming movies.
You can also shoot and share videos during an event to help people feel like they are attending. These types of videos are similar to live news coverage on television. They give viewers the feeling of “being there” and experiencing the event first-hand.
And finally, you can create videos after an event. These videos can help people remember key takeaways from an event. They can also be done in a way that they continue building connections you make at events. You can do this by mentioning particular people you met at an event and making sure to share the video with them.
EventBrite, a leader in live events, shares some examples of event promotion videos on their website that highlight different ideas for leveraging event videos.