3 months of social media and digital marketing consulting including 6 phone coaching sessions (30 minutes each) with Don. These calls will take place every two weeks and will help you gain clarity and momentum with your marketing.
The 3 month coaching package includes:
- a review & grading of your current social media and website activities
- a 3 month review and grading of your social media and digital marketing activities (to see what was achieve after working together)
- tips on how to improve your website
- tips how to optimize your social media channels
- tips how to improve your use of social media (or how to get started with it)
- help determining which social media tools to use for you and your business
- recommendations and on HOW to use the tools (what content to share as well as how to use advertising, etc.
- assistance developing a content calendar
TOTAL COST $3000 $1500 ($500/month)*
*price will be honored up to February 14, 2015