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Speaking and Workshops

Home / Speaking and Workshops

Don Stanley – Keynote Speaker and Workshop LeaderDon Stanley, 3Rhino Media

Don Stanley is an award-winning university instructor and internationally-recognized presenter with over 20 years experience. He LOVE sharing his best tips and advice with you are your staff.

He’s been featured on news and media outlets including:

  • ABC News,
  • CBS News,
  • This American Life,
  • Marketplace Radio,
  • International Media,
  • Content Marketing Institute,
  • BusinessesGrow.com Blog,
  • Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and
  • Wisconsin Public Radio.

Don provides customized presentation for your specific needs. He offer keynotes, action-oriented workshops (from 1 hour to multi-day), lunch-and-learn events and webinars to kick-start you and your team. You will get motivated and begin moving forward with confidence.

“Don Stanley gets a BIG thumbs up from Star Building Systems and Star Builders across the country. Don presented at our East and West Coast Regional Meetings and did a fantastic job of educating attendees on Inbound Content Marketing, what it is, and how to get started. He was a joy to work with in pre-meeting planning and did a great job of learning about our company and using that knowledge to customize his presentation to our group. I highly recommend Don.” – Jeff Koos, Director of Marketing, Star Building Systems

Don speaks on a variety of topics including:

  • Digital Marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • Inbound Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • DIY Design, Blogging and Social Media
  • How to Develop and Implement Strategic Plans that Actually Work
  • Web Design: Why redesign and how to do it
  • DIY Design (neuromarketing 101)

Here are some of the recent places Don has presented:

  • Las Vegas, Nevada and Orlando, Florida Star Building Conference: How Inbound Marketing Can Revolutionize Your Business (keynote). Magnetic Web Marketing 101 (on-site workshop).
  • Omaha, Nebraska, Nebraska Cancer Summit. How social media can help healthcare professionals have a bigger impact
  • Rockford, Illinois Construction Industry Marketing. Hands-on Inbound Marketing Workshop.
  • San Mateo, California  Digital and Inbound Marketing for niche B2B markets
  • Iowa City, Iowa National Resilience Institute How social media can help communities have a bigger impact
  • Baraboo, Wisconsin. Aldo Leopold Foundation. Leading half-day workshop on how to create a customized social media strategy for 2013. (workshop leader)
  • Fitchburg, WI. Wisconsin State Fire Chiefs Association. How to Use Social Media in Disaster Situations (keynote).
  • Webinar. American Red Cross Badger Chapter. How to Use Social Media in Disaster Situations. (keynote).
  • Madison, WI. Wisconsin Counties Associate Conference. Creating a Social Strategy for County Governments (keynote).
  • Madison, WI.  National Conference of State Legislatures. Creating an Effective Communication Strategy. (workshop co-leader).


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