This is a replay of the live broadcast with Don Stanley, Chris Handy ☛, and Billy Bob Brigmon
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This is a replay of the live broadcast with Don Stanley, Chris Handy ☛, and Billy Bob Brigmon
Hello Don and Chris
High dollar signage behind you, @3rhinomedia! 🙂
I can hear chris, but it is really quiet
We can hear Chris…
He is very quiet
Good Morning, I just listened to Scott Monty yesterday 2 Blabs in a row!~ Now Don Stanley. What a week!
Not well
much better
not awesome, but much better.
That works!
Now, Don is showing Audio Only.
Kinks and the love for them
There ya go
Tarrant County in the house!!!
She probably already thinks she knows more than you! #3daughters
How fun I have 3 myself
3 Granddaughters so yes time is precious.
that’s he beauty of free enterprise. working with people you attract. not everyone deserves or will receive you
question it sounds like you two are benefactors of relationship marketing online? would that be accurate?
I’ve got a question. Whenever it fits in the flow of the show, I’ll jump in.
That’s important for attracting like-minded clients.
Welcome to the community @bethanypearrum !
Welcome to the community @bethanypearrum !
The Content Code:
Same Side Selling Ian Altman
Don’t forget to go back and check your past posts and as you evolve delete what is not current when building your brand.
@BobWydra great tip!
notes for me: ian altman’s four quadrant’s
Great idea Don!
That’s insane!
You lost me at 4:15AM.
One of my goals too.
I don’t love my kids that much! My love for my kids starts at 5:45AM.
@BillyBobBrigmon that cracks me up!
Well done Chris!
Thanks guys!
@handythinks – So we’re not having lunch at Whataburger today??
@BillyBobBrigmon Just not a #2
I’m trying to click on the Links on the sign behind Don, but the links aren’t working!
Cowboys.. yuck. 🙂
Giants fan 🙂