How Much Does a Content Marketing Speaker Cost?

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With Content and Inbound Marketing becoming more well known in the business arena, companies are now doing whatever they can to build content marketing knowledge, passion, and vision into their organization to achieve big results and stay in front of the competition.


In order to do this, companies will often do one or more of the following:


  1. Hire an in-house content marketing director (aka Chief Marketing Officer, Chief Content Officer): This person is generally in charge of the company blog, eBooks, whitepapers, possibly social media accounts, and potentially any other digital marketing component.
  2. Bring in a Content Marketing Speaker: Getting buy-in top to bottom level leaders can be a major challenge with content marketing, mainly because most business leaders can’t answer these 3 critical questions that any great speaker should be able to clearly address:
    1. What is Content Marketing?
    2. How is Content Marketing done effectively and what does that look like?
    3. Why should the company, and the employees individually, participate in content marketing? 
  3. Ongoing Content Marketing Consulting: Creating great content marketing campaigns and getting real results takes time. In this era of short attention spans (what we call “Squirrel Syndrome”), it’s incredibly valuable for many organization to have an objective, outside expert provide quality feedback at regular intervals. which is exactly why an outside consult with a fresh set of eyes is very common and often times critical in helping an organization, large or small, reach their digital potential.

Instead of focusing on all the of the above subjects, I’ll specifically address here the question of cost

What’s interesting about this question is the fact that content marketing, at least how it’s used in the business sense, is a newer term. The principles may have been around forever. However, because content marketing is now done digitally the way we do content marketing has changed dramatically.

Because of its newness, there are few content marketing speakers and consultants than there are in areas such as “sales training” or “business leadership.”

Depending on your needs, hiring someone to come into your organization and speak about content marketing can vary drastically. Typically though, if it’s for a simple, 1 hour presentation, you could expect to spend in the $1-10k range, plus travel expenses.

If you are looking for a hands-on, customized workshop, you will typically find most speakers are going to be in the $3-20k range for a 1/2 to full-day workshop.

How to Choose the Right Content Marketing Speaker

As with everything in life, there are many, many factors that will dictate what each individual will cost, but I can tell you the key barometer that will allow you to assess the value of a content marketing speaker is found in the actual results and case studies of their current client base. Remember, just because someone might be a great presenter or blogger doesn’t necessarily mean they are great at getting results for the bottom line of a company. This is why before you hire anyone, you should talk to at least a few of their clients and get a much truer feel for how they work, speak, and are able to achieve success.

Regarding our pricing, our conference speaking fees are typically less expensive than speaking to an individual company. The reason for this is because conferences will often lead to multiple other speaking and consulting opportunities. This being said, whether we put together a 1-hour event or a full day workshop, we typically charge in the 5-15k range for the service rendered, not including any ongoing consulting that comes after the initial workshop, if necessary. We do offer a discount for non-profit groups.

If you’d like to get an exact price for us speaking at your company or event, please contact us here and we’ll be in touch immediately.

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