This is a replay of the live broadcast with Don Stanley and Chris Handy ☛
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This is a replay of the live broadcast with Don Stanley and Chris Handy ☛
Good morning. I am blab hopping. In 3 right now
Zef, Bonnie Frank and here
Thank goodness for recordings
They upgraded again and that always brings on issues
Greetings from Jolly old england
Oh yeaH!
Hey guys!
@RyanBalsiger happy Wednesday Ryan
The Book is Same Side Selling
@RyanBalsiger AMEN!!!!!!
Good morning Terry!
Customer experience is a human issue, not just a digital idea…extends beyond Digital
It has to be personable to them
Demonstrate value in the relationship
@RyanBalsiger YESSSSSS. I’ll talk about that in a sec.
Your a rare commodity in the human experience Don and that’s why I am so glad your my friend!
@BobWydra thank you buddy. You know the feeling is mutual. Blessed to be your friend.
it’s a win-win. the customer gains something and you gain experience
@webgirltj you nailed it
you build a relationship with that customer
are myopic…sorry
Being genuine is contagious, and is often reciprocated
It’s a long-term strategy and most people aren’t myopic
@webgirltj You nailed it!
reminds me of the go-giver philosophy
do not phrase it as things you are “doing wrong” rather things I can help you do better
@LJWorksOnline exactly. I always tell them “here is how you can get to the next level and grow even more”
@brand_gladiator you got it. Bob Burg’s “Go-Giver” has been a super influential book for me
Referring them to someone else is still relationship building
Big difference between reach and influence
@RyanBalsiger great point. they are definitely different.
Be valuable to yourself and find your passion and like minded people will find you, if you search for a common passion it’s the ultimate win win. I now think of P to P instead of People to People but Passion to Passion. I now longer think in targeting terms I think in terms matched core beliefs and trusted relationships.
@BobWydra Love Passion to Passion.
$20,000 CEO Game.
The 3 Most important questions
Question 1. What problem needs to be solved?
Question 2: What are the likely results if we buy this service?
@handythinks Would love to hear you thougths on an Unboxing/onboarding process for a consulting serivce
@brand_gladiator me too 😉
Love the idea of 5 minute tasks and check sheets
Process is standardised but the outcome is unique
kraft paper
I’ve had it happen to me from a SaaS platform. Rang the bell when we signed the contract, then took a month of our own hard work to even get close to up and running
@RyanBalsiger yikes!
Having something tangible adds to the percieved value of an intangible product or service.
Simon Sinek
Small questions yield big answers and real time communication is security.
I have a whole marking program built around hand written notes with a event image I have taken. Well done Don!
Question 3: Why should we buy from this company?
@brand_gladiator roll with the punches!
@handythinks Well handled, didn’t miss a beat. What a pro!
@brand_gladiator I was super impressed by his speed. See, Chuck Norris has nothing on him.
Riches in niches
@brand_gladiator you know it!
Well done all!
@BobWydra thanks Bob!
What problem needs to be solved?
What are the likely results if we buy this service?
Why should we buy from this company?
Great work guys.
@brand_gladiator TY Neil. Really, really appreciate hanging out with you today.
Share and we can all participate
@brand_gladiator Love that idea!
Love the experiments section idea!
Appreciate your insights as ever guys
I love it!
Thanks guys, great convo
Have great week guys!
great show today
@webgirltj TY Terry!
@BobWydra Appreciate you buddy!
bye guys!
@webgirltj have a great weekend!