This is a replay of the live broadcast with Don Stanley and Chris Handy ☛
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This is a replay of the live broadcast with Don Stanley and Chris Handy ☛
Good morning!
I got bumped
If I used a lot of video, Wistia makes sense.
we’re just not that into video yet
Not yet but I could a use a way to share the content i produce!
Darin! what’s up buddy.
@BobWydra1 great to se eyou Bob!
Back at ya! Don
I have pro account on Vimeo how do they compare?
Can we integrate Facebook live into the platform.
Now that is a sick Hawaiian shirt, Chris! =)
@iGoByDoc he’s channeling his inner Magnum P.I.
it’s important to be able to create video on the fly
He’s channeling his inner magnum pi
And down the digital rabbit hole we go
I love you, audience. But we may need to reconvene.
How do I pull a vid off of FB,
I think FB Live will be better for mobile
What software is that?
This one?
What about notifications when you start on FB Live? I know I find out about these easily because of the Blab notifications within my browser and on my phone
Have you made the brand page for this show yet?
That’s a big gorilla!
@iGoByDoc it is!
An unceremonious ending to the show. Sorry everyone. We’ll reconvene next week. Much love to all of you.