This is a replay of the live broadcast with Don Stanley, Dexter Patterson, George B Thomas, and Andrew Foxwell
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This is a replay of the live broadcast with Don Stanley, Dexter Patterson, George B Thomas, and Andrew Foxwell
Good morning, @3hrinomedia I clicked on the notice that you would be going on air, walked away, stepped back into my office and heard my name. LOL
oh, I’ll give feedback… 😉
lemme kick it off for you: it sucks.
@confluentforms that’s why we love having you in!
@WhatsThe411TV 😉 yep. Gave you a shout out!
should I temper that optimism?
@confluentforms in a bit. We’ll let G give the full story first 😉
You can tell @GeorgeBThomas lives in NASCAR country 😉
so… yes, Facebook Live and facebook native video are given preferential treatment to shared youtube videos
that’s first
second, a view in Facebook video is like 5 seconds, vs a view in YouTube is much longer
and that view in FB is counted even if the sound is off and someone is just scrolling past
right, that boost might not be there much longer
ah, 3 seconds, I was close!
I think there is good excitement for the idea, but the underlying metrics you used to base your strategy off of were just flimsy unfortunately
@confluentforms are you using FB Live at all?
I’m not at the moment
I’ve been working with RCUWomen to create short 2-min HD video tutorials, micro-moment content, based around 1 solicited question:
Couldn’t agree more that the discovery mechanism on FB is a huge advantage
I think Facebook is better for live video at the moment because YouTube is crowded and FB is pushing video
each has a question announced, followed by a 2 minute tutorial answer
THIS WAS POSTED ON BLABAHOLICS PRIVATE FB GROUP We had a podcast we used to record on Blab and after hearing the news of their change in focus, decided to move it to Facebook live. On Blab, our show would get maybe 40 viewers max after a couple months of weekly shows. Our FIRST episode after switching to FB live had over 750 views
@GeorgeBThomas your strategy is on point. Hubspot will give you a lift
but what is the average visitor view on Blab content vs. FB Live?
@confluentforms great question. I wish this is something Blab would share. I know when it was starting, Blab had pretty darn good average views but I was never given solid #
live + recorded
then it becomes how can you best host it (live), package it, and repackage it
@confluentforms great, great point.
Blab is changing its strategy, so we’re looking at Facebook because the audience is there and we’re also looking at FireTalk because it is similar to Blab and it’s built for broadcasters/marketers
@WhatsThe411TV you’ll have to keep us posted on your FireTalk experiment. I just signed up yesterday
quality micro-content will continue to be valuable to audiences
Will do, @3rhinomedia
@confluentforms Why doesn’t it exist?
@confluentforms 😉 we’ll have to debate that one.
audience burnout exists, content shock does not. marketers have abused their audiences by shoving crap content in their faces.
Content Shock from crappy content definitiely exists lol
@confluentforms but it also is based on the sheer volume of content that’s being produced. And the volume of content that’s being created is not going down.
@3rhinomedia because people bought into “content marketers” like Guy K who encouraged people to “feed the content beast!”
test your audience. do a variety of different lengths, see what YOUR audience responds best to in terms of length. see if they’re sticking it out to the end
@confluentforms YEP! They felt that all you have to do is create content and you’re all good. But that’s not enough on it’s own. Content needs to have an amplification or ignition strategy.
^I agree!
marketers ruin everything they touch
@confluentforms Very much agree that’s hack marketers look for the easy route and ruin many things
HI Josie!!!!!!
and delivering value through those connections
@confluentforms 😉 SNAFU is about it.
@GeorgeBThomas, go forth and conquer!
it’s audience-building (through relationships and live streaming)
@confluentforms YES!
Morning Maurice!
@drpatterson2 Ayyyy!
Good to see you my brother!
@MoCheeks I still can’t believe we haven’t met IRL yet. We have to have a Madtown meet up with Dex and Andrew
@drpatterson2 likewise 🙂 glad to get insights from you guys
Definitely @3rhinomedia!
@andrewfoxwell what is this show u watch every week?
Whiteboard FRiday
@3rhinomedia for sure!
@MoCheeks hey brotha!
silly question that probably a lot of people want to ask – are there lessons to learn from the Chewbacca mom?
@MoCheeks not silly at all. Still waiting to see if it was a set up but I think there are some good lessons to learn for sure.
Her realness!
Authenticity was on a million! She’s what’s right with he internet.
@drpatterson2 #Truth
YES! Need that ASAP
@josiecrusso Get one for each of the corgis too!
@josiecrusso too funny!
Is this the video G?
@GeorgeBThomas Very cool, FB has opened up its API for live video Are you familiar with Livestream’s Mevo? With Mevo, Livestream says you will only need one camera and it will look like a 2-3 camera shoot.
Livestream is expensive
Right now, Mevo pre-orders are $299. Here’s link:
You don’t have to use Livestream, the camera is independent
Mevo is just the camera but the Livestream production studio stuff is expensive.
Gotcha. That’s cool. I just know Livestream is expensive did some research on them for the university accounts I manage.
Yes, Dexter, Livestream is expensive. Check it out and if you see something I missed, hit me up at Thanks, Ruth
You got it!
have a nice weekend y’all
One caveat with Mevo right now, it only works with the iPhone 5S and iOS 9 or higher
Enjoy the weekend and thans for sharing @GeorgeBThomas