This is a replay of the live broadcast with Don Stanley, Chris Handy ☛, and Alexzander
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This is a replay of the live broadcast with Don Stanley, Chris Handy ☛, and Alexzander
Chapter 1 of Same Side Selling
I’m thinking of a question or two
May I jump on?
are you reviewing sites?
@eboy Youve asked that before. What site did you want to review?
@handythinks cool? Have I? sorry
@handythinks I revised my site and always love new feedback
You need killer art to market and set yourself away from the crowd.
Thanks for the link 🙂
I’m a slacker. Haven’t started it yet.
Which book are you talkin about ?
@fbowman we’ll address that.
My success so far has been based purely on this strategy.
I am a strong believer in the Win-Win Scenario
It will be interesting to see how it matches up to other sales theories. Right now my company is talking about Challenger method–I’m not sold on that yet.
@Catalystic37 Love it!
thx !
@nicolasgosset you bet!
We’ve done several days of training
We sell food ingredients that are used in all types of foods and beverages and my concern is how do we have commercial insights for all of those different applications? There are literally people locked up in a room right now trying to answer that question.
hola Nick!
@fbowman Do you sell terpene food additives?
@3rhinomedia hi Dan. Can’t stay, but I wanted to share it out… if the share button will work.
@expertsdotcomvp TY buddy 😉
@catalystic31 no, gums (kind of like starches)
@3rhinomedia you got it.
@3rhinomedia my apologies. I typed Dan instead of Don
@fbowman Xerox chose one vertical to start: Education. You cant have one ring to rule them all
Food has gotten incredibly complicated!
Can’t talk right now. Maybe after I hear more from our sales side.
Asking the right questions
WIIFM always applies (What’s in it for me?)
Chris’s mic is very low volume
@Catalystic37 he’s coming through clear to me. Anyone else having trouble hearing him?
There times when he sounds underwater
@fbowman TY and Alexzander for letting us know about the mic
I’m a “millenial” shutters
It’s lonely at the top, help others out and have a success party 😀
I think it is flooding groups. They are becoming very spherical & not as broad
@occasio have you expereince wiht this?
I have the FOMO problem as well
@handythings I’ll have to try that
But there ends up being like 50 Ft Worth groups
Sorry I came in at the wrong time
heard that mentioned on a blab yesterday about grouping people…I have groups segmented but haven’t targeted them. how are you sending to that specific group?
To create a new list:
Scroll down to Friends on the left side of your News Feed. Hover over Friends and click More.
Click Create List.
Enter a name for your list and the names of friends you’d like to add. Keep in mind you can add or remove friends from your lists at any time.
Click Create.
It works great!
One of the great things you can do on Facebook is once you have connected with people you can put them in a list. Then your posts, event invites etc can be directed directly to that target.
Hey, welcome @SineadNorenius-Raniere !
Thanks for joining @SineadNorenius-Raniere !
I advise a fraternity so I add my young men to lists so I can keep an eye on them at a glance
Have you had much experience with Facebook ads? and the Targeting mechanisms built in with ads?
Of course they have moved from Facebook
@RyanHarris yes. We can chat about that in future episode.
Same thing w/ competitors
Hey, welcome @SineadNorenius-Raniere !
thanks guys!
@DreaHart welcome!
Rick Mulrety is great as well!
Thanks guys!
Thanks for joining @NomiKaston1 !
Can’t hear you