This is a replay of the live broadcast with Don Stanley, Spy Gadget Rentals, Chris Handy ☛, and Nazim and Betti
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This is a replay of the live broadcast with Don Stanley, Spy Gadget Rentals, Chris Handy ☛, and Nazim and Betti
yes to Chris, no to Don
@confluentforms how about now?
can u here me?
is this a Verizon commercial from the early 2000s?
Welcome @erica_tesswoman !
Thanks for joining @erica_tesswoman !
western mass 😉
Hola @denniskenez
@3rhinomedia Howdy Don
FAQ content, one of the greatest content marketing strategies (especially for search)
what up @GeorgeBThomas ?
@3rhinomedia What up bro!
Semantic Search -> goal conversions
@3rhinomedia adding ZMOT to the acronym lexicon
@denniskenez yep! like we need another!
That was the frozen moment of truth
Badger Internet is Awesome!
@GeorgeBThomas I know! I can’t wait until they update at the place I do the show from
I call Chris one of the unique, “Scary Smart” folks who CAN relate his story
@denniskenez Amen!
Here is the link to the #Blab with Chris
@GeorgeBThomas we’re blab buddies now. Listeners 1st!
@3rhinomedia thanks since I missed this yesterday
His new DailyVee shows are the BOMB!!
Oh Snap!!
@denniskenez you bet Dennis!
@GeorgeBThomas gotta check that out. Is it on SnapChat?
it’s not dumbing it down, it’s speaking their language, and the language they respond to
@confluentforms yep!
Audience/Buyer Personas, learning who they are, how they speak, and how to connect with them. And positioning your content towards those Personas
Thanks for joining @tamwilliamson96 !
This drill drills holes really well
@tamwilliamson96 welcome!
It’s about solving the problem, not the “features” that don’t apply to the buyer
@confluentforms amen!
there’s a reason why most Google queries are written in almost complete sentences, ending with a ? mark. They’re asking for an answer. If you speak to those questions, and answer the question they have, you’ve established that trust. THEN you can move them towards a sale funnel.
@Serendipity92x welcome!
Good afternoon folks!
@casachiesi good afternoon! Thanks for joining from Italy!
Loved that Chris Brogan answer session yesterday Don! @3rhinomedia
Hi David! @confluentforms
@casachiesi heya Nazim!
right, comes back to Buyer Personas
Microsoft brings to mind Balmer and his Developer rant. LOL.
we’ve had great luck “encouraging” they book a free 15 minute consultation at the end of our rather detailed and dense blog posts. And it works. Our content established trust, our consultation helps them move to the next step.
Hey, welcome @Serendipity92x !
I hate to use this word, but it’s Empathy
@casachiesi Very cool to hear! Chris is the real deal
I think too many large corporates are uncomfortable with making 1 person “the face” of the business (in case they leave), and that’s generally what’s necessary to really be empathic in social media
@confluentforms you nailed it!
it needs persona
Howdy @alexasandbakken!
@AnneMarieNardi if you have anything you want to add from Brogan’s visit, feel free to share!
buzzing around today, will try to catch the first part on replay
@alexasandbakken good to have you!
That brings to mind Glengarry Glen Ross movie (bad leads….)
Cult of Personality
@handythinks Love your office building on Google Street view,
@casachiesi need those Glengarry leads.
@casachiesi why thank you. thats the first time I’ve gotten that comment in a Blab.
@3rhinomedia Brogran is amazing! One of my favorite pieces of advice was don’t strive for work life balance, strive for work life alignment.
/ Interested in knowing your opinion on VR/AR in the marketing setting for companies.
ps. I love following AmFamJack!
YouTube360 😉 you should play w/ Google Cardboard
@confluentforms I’ll have to check that out! TY for the lead
I got a Cardboard when out visiting Google last fall, neat stuff
We are working on a project for Humira over here in Italy. Early days.
Star Wars did a Cardboard App before the movie release
@casachiesi super cool!
I know that Cirque de Soleil does apps and is going to do some Cardboard as well for their shows
Thanks for the info David! @confluentforms
Great point!! @3rhinomedia MSC Cruises use Oculus Rift to show customers the VIP Suites on their vessels prior to bookings.
I believe it is in Normandy.
Warby Parker (eye glasses) does that 😉
@confluentforms YES!
Beacons is also quite interesting but we have to deal with privacy/notification issues on that.
@casachiesi those are big issues
That is already incredible!
no audio
no audio monty
Scary and great question.
no! lowers the barrier to entry, softens the lead up for the sales team
gotta run guys. Catch ya later!
Can come in to ask…
@casachiesi cool, we will get you on next
@idriveondemand Agreed. TY for the input
this audio is killing this blab
COntent Code ☛
New members are added due to positive word-of-mouth of existing members.
Joey Coleman is great to follow for customer service.
@MontyHenry1 We are goign to have to close this one up. COme back next week?
Thank you guys!
Check out Simon Sinek too!
Thanks everybody!
Fantastic! Thanks!