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Friday Findings: 3 tips on why you need to narrowcast not broadcast

Home / Education / Friday Findings: 3 tips on why you need to narrowcast not broadcast


This week we will be focusing on NARROWCASTING VS. BROADCASTING. It’s so important to remember that you can’t be all things to all people. The smaller the audience, the stronger and deeper you can connect with them. The more you connect with them, the more benefit you will receive.

It’s important to remember that the world is a big place, and for your business to be successful you only need to focus on the small portion of the population.

The articles we have chosen for this week focus on ways that you can narrow your audience to ensure better connections and success.

1. Why narrowcasting is better than broadcasting


I decided to write this blog post after repeatedly getting ask the question “Can my blog be too niche or too focused on a narrow audience?” The simple answer is no, it cannot be. If you try to broadcast to your audience, you will not be able to truly connect with any of them. You may find our follow-up post “Quick Tips: How to narrowcast (aka) focus your marketing blog” helpful as well.

2. The Narrowcast Approach to Newsjacking: Creating Content for Niches


Content Marketing Institute offers a case study involving “New EPA Regulations.” They do a great job demonstrating how capitalizing on topics of niche interest give your organization a chance to show its ability to offer real-life solutions that directly pertain to your target’s business challenges. 

3. How to Narrow Your Target Market


This article helps sum up why broadcasting doesn’t work with the perfect quote by Tammy Lenski. “The big danger is that without a target market, it’s like standing in a park shouting in the wind,” she says. “When you have a target market, its like standing in a park and talking to a specific group of people.”

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