This is a replay of the live broadcast with Don Stanley, Chris Handy ☛, and David Kutcher @ CF
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This is a replay of the live broadcast with Don Stanley, Chris Handy ☛, and David Kutcher @ CF
Did they play last night?
You can win just so many cups in a row
What problem needs to be solved?
What are the likely results if we buy this service?
Why should we buy from this company?
@confluentforms Glad to have ya!
let me know when to jump in 🙂
@confluentforms sounds good!
@confluentforms will be just a couple of minutes and we’ll have you jump on
hey guys!
search & social drives people to my site
people often give short-shrift to their interior pages, not realizing that ANY page should be thought of as a landing page
@confluentforms GREAT point!
95% of our visitors land on a blog post in our site. only 5% land on our homepage
@confluentforms My homepage gets more traffic right after I do a speaking engagement, otherwise it’s a blog post or a landing page that an affiliate is referring
Attribution is such a grey area. This extension sounds like a game changer.
UTM attribution for the win: http://goo.gl/csYCuw
I know my CTA for next week’s show will be to test out the UTMFTW chrome extension!
@KimShivler Great to connect Kim. Share the link to your Blab so I can check out the replay
Good stuff, guys. I have a Blab to launch in a minute. Will grab the replay for more.
Mark Schaefer said recently 25% of all mobile web traffic happens on Facebook
Not all links to FB from outside FB work
Hi everyone!
@Ileane Howdy Ileane!!
@Ileane Ileane we’re talking about this traffic attribution tool http://www.confluentforms.com/2016/04/utm-campaign-attribution-analytics-intelligence.html
@3rhinomedia nice!
@Ileane it’s pretty simple and crazy!
Howdy amiga! @webgirltj
@3rhinomedia Hello!
love the sound of this porduct
Read about UTM codes and grab the chrome extension: http://goo.gl/csYCuw
@realTLN I’m with you Carlos. I’ll be checking into this ASAP
i am reading it now
as a digital marketer any tool is helpful
@realTLN the key for me is to actually use the tool 😉
i have over 300 clients…
so this could be cool
@realTLN WOW!!!!! That’s quite a workload. Impressive stuff.
Love the idea of the learning curve being so low. That solves a major pain point for marketers …”I don’t have time to learn another tool.” This addresses that issue beautifully.
@realTLN Gotcha thinking with that?
Hello LOL
she rocks
@realTLN who?
@zef_zan 😉 I think you’ll really dig this tool he created. I’m definitely testing it out!
Are you using uTM codes?
@3rhinomedia cool!
Wow that is awesome!! Thanks David @confluentforms
@zef_zan @Ileane
@realTLN yes she is!
@realTLN hey Carlos!
@Ileane hello
@Ileane hey girl
UTMs and the chrome extension: http://goo.gl/csYCuw
@zef_zan Hey Lady!
that was cool
@confluentforms I added the extension already….lol
try it out 🙂
@3rhinomedia do you have an amazon link for the book?
@Ileane awesome! really give it a shake, let me know how it works for you and seeing ROI
@confluentforms I will!
@Ileane here you go http://www.amazon.com/Same-Side-Selling-Approach-Barriers/dp/1940858062
@zef_zan me too!!
Failure is just an experiment that didn’t work out as you thought it would
Don’t tell that to their parents lol
Just kidding
Love F = FEEDBACK! I wanna be your student @3rhinoemedia
@zef_zan 😉 awww TY!
@3rhinomedia yw!
Do you guys use this Blab as a podcast too? If not you should
@Ileane we’re starting it as a podcast. TY!
@Ileane i wish i group up during these times
I just posted this quote from Michelle Obama on Facebook: I was too worried about the grades and I should have been more worried about learning.
That is why I like hanging out on Blab with smart people like you guys!!
I dislike with a PASSION if I am graded with numbers and alphabets. But I guess the world wasn’t designed just for me. LOLOLOLOL
@Ileane awww TY Ileane. Appreciate you a ton!
I will love to see how many people are clicking on my Blab profile link!
@zef_zan it should be 😉
@3rhinomedia say you Don! ROTFL
@Ileane you would have a TON!
@zef_zan Pick one!
@handythinks i know … jk
BOOM! #Zefnitely
email drip campaign for 1 email funnel
@3rhinomedia oh thanks Don for th S/O #Zefinitely #Zefability
@Ileane yes it was!
We were on a Blab together too. That was fun wasn’t it @zef_zan
BYE and ty all
@handythinks TY4 follow handy
Gotta run guys!!
Adding you guys on Twitter too.
ok have a rockin day guys! ty for s/o’s
@zef_zan You too!
@Ileane TY! You rock