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Does Inbound and Content Marketing Work for Business?

Home / Marketing / Does Inbound and Content Marketing Work for Business?
Posted In Marketing

The million dollar question, does inbound marketing work? This is a GREAT question and I get asked it by a lot of clients who are not familiar with inbound.

In this short video, I share two case studies highlighting how inbound works. The first case study is our interview with Marcus Sheridan, the Sales Lion and owner of River Pools and Spas (http://bit.ly/1127Byb) and the second is our interview with Krista Kotrla of Block Imaging (http://bit.ly/14nt1uv).

When you put in the work, work intelligently and consistently, inbound has amazing power and potential.

Here are a couple of quick stats:

[unordered_list style=’circle’ number_type=’circle_number’ animate=’no’ font_weight=”]
  • Inbound marketing costs 62% less per lead versus outbound marketing
  • 60% of the sales cycle is completely before a prospect will call one of your sales staff
  • 86% of people skip television ads
  • 200+ Million Americans have registered for the FTC “Do Not Call” lists
  • 90% of Consumer Buying Decisions Start on the Web. Forrester Research, 2007. 
  • 92% of Online Users First Use Search Engines to look for products and services. HubSpot 
  • 71% of B2B Buyers go to the Internet to get Industry Specific Information.

So, what questions do you have about inbound marketing?

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